Saturday, March 31, 2012

5 Possible Signs of Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

5 Possible Signs of Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

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Most of the time, having a healthy lifestyle is not enough to make us immune from all the cancer risks. Stories about healthy individuals who were suddenly  crippled by cancer is not new to us anymore. In fact, any cancer screening won’t work in decreasing cancer cases if people don’t even know what are the signs and symptoms to watch out for. Signs like hoarseness of voice, sudden weight loss and blood in the stool are just some of widely known warning signs of cancer that we are quite familiar with. However, there are some signs, especially if they persist, that are often linked to cancer development. Some of these signs don’t raise red flags immediately because people commonly associate them with more common and treatable conditions. Falling to this trap can mean our lives or those of our loved ones’  so knowing what are the signs to watch out for can be a life-saving way to prevent cancer.
A distended and painful tummy can indicate something other than cancer but if you consistently experience this for unknown reasons, it won’t harm if you go talk to your doctor. Tumors in the colon can be big enough to block the passage of both solid wastes and flatus. Once they build up, a person will experience a bloated  abdomen, a symptom which people often take for granted. Other signs of colon cancer includes blood in stool, urinary urgency and a significant change in the form of the stool. Doctors often recommend that people, especially those that are 50 years old and above,  should undergo colonoscopy every 10 years to identify polyps and other colon cancer risks. Those who have family history of colon cancer, on the other hand, should start having colonoscopy 10  years before the age when their relative was diagnosed with colon cancer.

Changes in fingernails
You better be careful in applying too much color to your fingernails from now on because in a medical point of view, the color and characteristics of your nails can be a great indicator of your own health status.  For example, black or brown streaks (like what is displayed above) can indicate skin cancer or melanoma. Enlargement at the ends of your nail and a significant curving your the nail itself can be a warning sign of lung cancer. Damage or cancer to the liver can also be predicted if you always have pale skin and fingernails.

Back pain
We all get back aches every once in a while due to wrong body mechanics or unnecessary body strains but when it comes to cancer, persistence is the name of the game. According to Dr. Oz, Oprah’s famous doctor, back pain that is not relieved by anti-inflammatory agents and is accompanied by yellow skin or pale stools is considered a warning sign that shouts pancreatic cancer. The pain is usually located at the upper abdomen because pancreas is located behind stomach but it can radiate to the back if pain becomes severe. It is different from the ordinary back pain because it is relieved by bending over, unlike the normal back ache that is not alleviated by changing positions. In addition to that, pain located at the upper back, if occurs consistently, can also signify a developing form of lung cancer.

Chronic heartburn
Heartburn is not something that you want to experience after eating but if  you have an early form of esophageal or gastroesophageal cancer, chances are you will experience this frequently. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or most commonly known as heartburn is caused by stomach content reaching the lower portions of the esophagus, leading to painful episodes and acidic taste to the mouth after a full meal. This phenomenon can lead to the development of  Barrett’s esophagus, which is a step closer towards the diagnosis of esophageal cancer.
Frequent fever
Frequent fever or experience of flu-like symptoms that can last for longer than a week can be a warning sign for cancer. Leukemia is the cancer of the blood that initially attacks the bone marrow. White blood cells in the body will be forced to multiply and disrupt our body’s defense system against infections. According to Dr. Oz, flu-like symptoms can also alert people of a developing cancer of lymph nodes, also known as lymphoma.  Other signs  include unexplained weight loss, night sweats, lumps in your throat, nosebleeds or bloody gums.

© 2012, WellBody.Net. All rights reserved. DISCLAIMER: All articles contained in this website are for informational purposes only and are NOT intended as medical advice. If you have any health-related questions, please consult your physician. If you feel ill, please seek medical attention immediately.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Health Robbers: Types of Toxins

Health Robbers:
Types of Toxins

You will be shocked with the amount and
types of toxins you are exposed to every day.

You may not be able to avoid these toxins,
but you can help your body detoxify them.

How Do We Get Exposed to Toxins?
I often hear people say, "I don't eat processed foods and I eat healthy, why do I get sick?"  What does it mean exactly to "eat healthy"?  Eating healthy is not just what you eat, but also what you DON'T eat!  What about other factors around you that rob you of your health?  To be healthy takes more than just eating healthy.  If you look at the list below, you will realize that you cannot really escape toxins.  We live in such a toxic world that we need to help our own bodies with detoxification measures.
See how toxins (poisonous substances) find their way into our body:

External toxins refer to that derived from our environment which get into our bodies.  Some sources:
  • Foods:  Additives, preservatives, artificial flavorings and colorings, food stabilizers, food emulsifiers, agricultural chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, etc.
  • Air:  Stale and stagnant air, perfumes, tobacco smoke, cleaning supplies, toxic fumes, polluted air, dust mites, pollens, household sprays, etc.
  • Water:  Water contaminated with inorganic minerals, bacteria, chlorine, heavy metals, rusts, chemicals, industrial pollution, etc.
  • Medical treatments:  Prescription drugs, chemotherapy, anti-biotics, artificial hormones, vaccinations, jabs, low quality supplements, etc.
  • Dental treatments:  Mercury amalgam fillings, root canals, acrylic dentures, implants, braces, fluoride treatments, etc.
  • Radiation:  Radiotherapy, radio waves, television waves, microwave ovens, some electromagnetic gadgets, cell phones, x-rays, gamma rays, ultra-sound scan, MRI scan, CAT scan, UV radiation, etc.
  • Household:  New paints, varnishes, new carpets, new asbestos ceiling, heating system, cleaning agents, all kinds of sprays, moth balls, gas stoves, aluminum pots, laundry supplies, etc.
  • Personal care:  Perfumes, soaps, shampoos, deodorants, toothpaste, nail polish, cosmetics (some contain lead), permanent and hair colorings, etc.
Don't underestimate the degree of toxicity from the items listed above, as constant exposure to these are slow poisons that we don't realize.

Internal body toxins refer to that derived from external sources but once in the body, they become internal toxins.
  • Micro-organisms:  Bacteria, viruses, yeasts, mold, fungi, parasites
  • Old toxins stored in the body.  The presence of various kinds of chemicals may cause chemical reactions among them, causing severe symptoms
  • Dental works:  Materials used contain metals, mercury, acrylic, binders, cements, resins, etc.  Some of these can leach into our body when eating food
  • Medical implants:  Silicone breast implants, implants in cosmetic surgeries, joint replacements, pacemakers; surgical aids such as screws, plates, staples and other materials.

Toxins Our Body Produced
Besides external and internal toxins, our bodies also get burdened with toxins that our body produced.  These are by-products of cellular metabolism in our body.  Like all body toxins, if these are not eliminated properly, the build-up may cause health problems later on.
Most of the symptoms created by these toxins affect our brain and mind, like confusion, irritability, memory loss, headache, insomnia, fatigue.  Other symptoms include dysfunctional endocrine and immune system.
Below is just a short list of toxins that are daily being produced by our own body:
  • Bilirubin:  A toxin that results when the liver breaks down old red blood cells.  These are usually eliminated from the body through the stool that is normal brown in color.  When bilirubin is not eliminated efficiently, it causes the skin and white of the eyes to turn yellow.  This is a condition called jaundice.
  • Urea:  A product that results when the liver breaks down protein or amino acids.  Urea is being excreted in the urine by the kidneys.  If the kidneys are not functioning efficiently, the urea level in the blood increases causing a condition known as uremia.
  • Uric acid:  A product that results when the body breaks down a substance called purine.  Purines are found in high concentration in meat and meat products, especially in animal's internal organs such as liver and kidneys.  Excess uric acid that don't get excreted can crystalize in the kidneys, joints and toes (gout) resulting in severe pain.
  • Creatinine:  A product that results from muscle metabolism.  It is filtered in the kidney for excretion in a fairly constant daily rate.  Therefore, when kidneys become inefficient for whatever reason, the creatinine level will rise due to poor clearance.  This when detected in the urine, warns of possible kidneys malfunction or failure.
  • Hormone imbalance:  Hormones are chemical messengers that are released from the glands into the bloodstream.  When secretion of hormones is too low or too high, or the liver is not able to detoxify them, excess hormones become internal body toxins.
  • Free radicals:  Although oxygen (O2) is necessary for life, there is also the "dark side" of it.  When oxygen reacts with toxins from external sources, it becomes a free radical.  This is a process known as "oxidation".  An unhealthy diet largely contributes to this process of oxidation and does a lot of damages to the body.

When you have been repeatedly going to the doctor
with a certain symptom that he cannot identify,
you may be sent home with diagnosis of "viral infection"

When you have been repeatedly going to the doctor with a certain symptom that he cannot identify, you may be sent home with diagnosis of "viral infection" or something similar.  Or sometimes you may be told that there was "nothing wrong" with you.  When this happens, you should start to suspect that it could be high toxicity level in the body that is causing the trouble.

At this site, I will attempt to help you understand why you fall sick, and how you can restore yourself back to health again, the natural way.

Harmful Foods And Foods To Avoid

Harmful Foods
And Foods To Avoid

What Are We Eating?
Today's modern diet is so desperately lacking in nutrient compared to those of our ancestors' days. How so?  With the advancement of technology, most of our foods are manufactured, genetically re-engineered, and processed. Being busy people, we start to rely heavily on instant meals. We spend lesser time preparing fresh foods.

Even the foods that we do prepare in our kitchen with all the sophisticated equipments, kill and destroy the nutrients and enzymes that our bodies so crave. Just what are we doing to our bodies?
As I did my own research, I was shocked with the findings about the foods that I have been consuming in my first thirty years of life. By knowing the damages these foods are doing to my body, I started making conscious efforts to gradually change my eating habits.  It doesn't happen overnight but it can be done.

Reduce on Eating Acid-Forming Foods

Basically, when we eat foods that are "acid-forming", they cause our blood to become more acidic. Acidic blood means "toxic" blood, means "thick blood", means "slow-moving" blood that prevents blood to carry out its function of carrying nutrients to every part of our body.  Thick blood "hosts" a myriad harmful organisms (bacteria, virus, parasites, yeast, etc.).  Over time, it begins to clog up the detox organs.  See this page for an illustration on what happens when your liver gets clogged up.
So what are the acid-forming foods? Some examples: Animal protein, dairy products, deep-fried foods, cooked foods, junk/processed foods, oily foods, medication, flour and sugar products (e.g. pastries, cakes, biscuits, doughnuts, etc.), artificial food additives (e.g. emulsifiers, coloring, flavoring, preservatives, stabilizers).  Plant proteins are also acid-forming but are more readily assimilated when compared to animal proteins. 
I'm not saying don't eat these foods, I say eat them in smaller amounts, and eat the alkaline-forming foods more (fruits, vegetables, plant based foods).  If you know that you have thick blood, you'll do well to begin taking 20% acid-forming foods and 80% alkaline-forming foods to begin to reverse your health problems.

What Are The Acid-Forming Foods?

I may not be able to cover everything here but I want to share with you, some of the basic common foods we all take without thinking of the damaging impact they have on our health. Some of which we have even regarded as "healthy". Read the truth:

Pasteurized Milk and Dairy Products
Pasteurized milk (UHT - ultra-heat temperature) is the heating of milk to temperatures of 160 degrees or higher. This changes the milk protein (casein) content to an inorganic form, which cannot be assimilated by the body.
When this protein cannot be broken down, it weakens the immune system, causing allergies and many other problems, like asthma, nasal congestion, skin rash, chest infections, higher blood cholesterol, increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
Crib deaths have even been attributed to cow's milk allergy. You are better off pouring the milk down the drain than feed it to your baby. 
Do you realize that when you consume cow's milk, it causes excessive mucus to be formed in your lungs, sinuses and intestines. The mucus also hardens to form a coating on the inner wall of the intestines that leads to poor absorption of nutrients. It causes constipation and can lead to many ill problems.
Imagine then, what havoc cow's milk does to an infant. No wonder asthma and bronchitis are so rampant in our young children! Oh, the mucus that form in the little lungs!
Sally Fallon of the Weston Price Foundation in the States said it like this:
"Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer."
God has designed mothers to feed babies with breast milk. But in these modern days, mothers are too busy that we have resorted to cow's milk, bringing up a generation of sickly children who have weak immune systems.
If we are going to cow's milk for calcium, we are mistaken. Cow's milk is not a good source of this mineral.  Milk (and dairy products) are acid-forming in our body.  When it gets acidic, our bodies try to balance the pH by drawing more calcium (alkaline) from our bones.  Over time, more and more calcium are actually drawn out from your bones and eventually lead to osteoporosis.
For alternative sources of calcium, choose seeds, nuts, and crunchy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, carrots and cauliflower.
For infants, if breast milk is not available, substitute with goat's milk instead, or rice milk, or almond milk.

Soda/Carbonated Drinks
If you drink soda/carbonated drinks regularly, you would do yourself a great favor to eliminate them from your diet—the sooner the better.
A can of soda/carbonated drink contains up to 15 teaspoons of sugar, 150 empty calories, 30 to 55 mg of caffeine and is loaded with harmful artificial food colors, flavorings and preservatives. All these but with zero nutritional value.
Some soda drinks are "disguised" as "diet soda" where dangerous sweeteners like aspartame are added. Numerous health side effects are associated with aspartame ingestion, including brain damage, diabetes, emotional disorders, decreased vision, ringing in the ears, memory loss, heart palpitations, shortness of breath and many more. This short list should be enough to show you the danger of this ingredient in diet sodas.
Another way soda drinks are "disguised", is in so-called "energy drinks". Energy drinks may give you a boost of energy upon consumption, but it does not last. In fact, when the effect wears off you will feel your energy dwindle and you will start to crave another can. It becomes a vicious cycle and eventually gets you hooked.
The sugar content level in sodas are way too high and will lead to many health problems. Moreover, when you consume too much sugar, your appetite will be suppressed for the nutritious foods. This results in nutritional deficiency.
Prescription Drugs
Yes, unfortunately, if you are on any medication, it is acid-forming and causes your blood to thicken.  Then you will be prescribed another medication to "thin" your blood but would cause you to have stomach ulcer.  Then, you will be prescribed yet another medication to "counter" your ulcer but may cause you constipation.
And when you have constipation, it will cause you a host of many other health problems as it indirectly also weaken your liver functions.  Your immunity system is compromised.  Other diseases that may surface: diabetes, high blood pressure, poor blood circulation, high cholesterol, yeast infection, etc.  Then you keep getting prescribed more and more medication for each of this problem.  Do you see the vicious cycle?  Talk to your physicist to reduce your medication intake, although some physicist may not, as they don't understand natural healing.  Take control of your own body and your own health!  Begin by taking more alkaline-forming foods.
Human bodies are designed to run on carbohydrates, which is the source of our energy. We fulfill this need by consuming complex carbohydrates from whole foods like whole grains, vegetables, beans or lentils; or simpler carbohydrates such as from fruits.
However, with technology, man has extracted sweetness but leaving behind the nutrients. Refined sugar is lethal for human consumption because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals, rendering it “empty”.
Concentrated sugar—in the forms of white sugar, brown sugar, glucose, honey and syrup—releases sugar fast, causing a rapid increase in our blood sugar levels when consumed.
If this sugar is not required by the body, it is deposited in "storage" as fats. These concentrated sugars are almost totally devoid of useful nutrients.
When the blood sugar level rises, the pancreas releases insulin into the blood stream. Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate the level of blood sugar.
When we consume food that releases sugar fast (high glycemic index), our body over-reacts to the increase in blood glucose by producing more insulin than necessary.
As a result, blood glucose falls too much within a short time, causing you to feel hungry again. When you respond to that hunger by eating another high glycemic meal, it sets off another cycle of swing in the insulin level.
Over time, these exaggerated increases and falls in the insulin level will lead to a reduction in the body's ability to respond to insulin, the development of a condition called insulin resistance.
When this happens, the glucose level in the blood system remains constantly high. The pancreas respond by producing more and more insulin to try to maintain the sugar blood level, until it can no longer keep up anymore.
This condition is directly damaging to the cells and can cause very severe long-term damage to the body.
Some of the common health problems known that are related to this condition are insomnia, obesity, type-II diabetes, polycystic ovary disease, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and hormone related cancers.
Do not be deceived and use artificial sweetener.  They mostly containaspartame that are even deadlier than your table sugar.  A plant-based sugar called stevia is a much healthier alternative.
Also read: What is carbohydrate?

Salt creates untold physical problems and suffering. Yes, the body needs salt (sodium), but it must be in an organic form in order to be useful to the body. Table salt, sodium chloride, is an inorganic sodium compound that combines with chloride.
It is extremely toxic to the body and causes the body to retain fluid. High intake of this substance thickens and stiffens arteries and increases the risks of strokes, and cardiac failure.
It accelerates the rate of renal functional deterioration. Sodium chloride draws calcium from your bones, which is excreted in your urine. This leads to early and painful osteoporosis, or the thinning and fracturing of your bones.  
White Flour Products
All the good substances (bran and germ) is removed from flour during processing. Then it is bleached with a deadly chemical called "alloxan", a bleaching agent similar to Clorox. This compound destroys the beta-cells of the pancreas, leading to type 2 diabetes.
Finally, some coal-tar-derived (carcinogenic – cancer causing) vitamins are added and sold to the unsuspecting public as “enriched”. White flour makes your blood sugar rise almost as much as refined sugar.
Intestinal infections are a direct outcome of white flour consumption. It is hard to chew, puts pressure on the digestive system and is extremely low on fiber. Mixed with low-quality rice flour, it has no nutrient a growing child requires.
Be wary of things made from flour, e.g. bread, cakes, pancakes, pasta, etc. If you must eat them, eat them sparingly. Things made of flour has no nutritional value at all, and cause more harm to your body than any good. Combine this with sugar and high heat baking, you have the perfect combination to all kinds of degenerative diseases.
Wheat bread has recently been introduced as the "healthier option". Do not be deceived. Studies have shown that wheat is contaminated with a germ called mycotoxin.
When consumed in high amount, this germ can be lethal and has been reported to cause rheumatoid arthritis, miscarriages, headaches, infertility, slow growth development in children and irritable bowel.
Moreover, wheat converts to sugar rapidly and accelerates aging in people with low metabolic rate.

Meat Products
We are taught that meat is high in protein and iron, and is good for us.
However, most meat today, whether chicken, beef, pork or lamb, have received hormone treatments of one kind of another. Besides making the meat tender, these hormones are used to escalate the animals' growth and increase their milk or production yields.
These hormones which are estrogen-dominant, have been found to be linked to breast cancer, fibroids, ovarian and cervical cancer, and endometriosis in women.
In men, the common symptoms are prostate and testicular cancer, loss of libido, impotence and breast enlargement, just to name a few.
Antibiotics are also used widely on these animals to prevent infection and to enhance growth—all in the name of higher profits in shorter time.
Diseases of the digestive system have directly been linked to meat consumption. And more critically, the risk of heart disease and cancer of the stomach and colon.
If you must take meat, try to avoid beef and pork, or consume no more than three times a week. A better choice for protein in substituting meat would be fish, beans, lentils, bean curd or whole grains. Try to eat organic whenever possible.
But remember, most of us are in more danger of too much protein intake than too little. Excess protein is a contributor to osteoporosis, overadicity and many other common health problems.
Studies on low-carb/high protein diet have shown a marked increase in acidicity overload to the kidney, increases the risk for stone formation, and decreases calcium, increasing risk for bone loss.
Another reason why we should avoid meat is the stress that it puts upon our digestive system. Read about it here.

Vegetable Oils
Polyunsaturated oils, which include vegetable oils like corn, soy, linola and canola are beneficial on their own. However, by making them into cooking oils, they are heavily refined and processed, rendering them rancid and toxic. For a long time now, these cooking oils have been mistakenly regarded as the "healthier" choice, but experts have now pointed out that this is a fatal mistake.
After refining and processing, these beneficial oils become oxidized as they get exposed to heat from the processing, resulting in the formation of trans-fat and damaging free radicals (this is a process called hydrogenation).
The truth is, coconut oil which have been regarded as unhealthy is the better choice for cooking. Unlike most unsaturated oils, coconut oil does not turn toxic when cooked.
Other alternatives are virgin (or extra virgin) olive oil for light cooking or sauteing, or grapeseed oil for high heat cooking.

Fast (Fried) Foods
While many of us know that fast foods are bad, we don't know just "how bad" they are, to stop taking them. We spend our hard-earned money on the very things that are killing us.
We think that the main danger of frying was that fats cooked at high temperatures produce oxidants that cause cancer. But I have news for you.
Scientific research has found another cancer-causing substance called acrylamide, in foods cooked at high temperatures, whether with or without fats.
While the safe limit set for acrylamide in food is ten parts per billion (ppb), French fries and potato chips are found to contain more than a hundred times this amount!
Acrylamide is produced when foods are browned or burnt, or cooked or processed using high heat. These methods include frying, barbecuing, baking, and even by microwaving.
If you must cook your foods, choose to steam, fry or boil your foods instead. This way, the foods would not contain oxidants as you do not burn your food.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Fast Food Nutrition Facts - mystery ingredients are industrial chemicals

Fast food nutrition facts - mystery ingredients are industrial chemicals
(NaturalNews) Many people think occasional junk food indulgence can be balanced out by skipping meals later in the week or by putting in some extra time on the treadmill. The truth is that the consequences of this type of eating can turn up in unexpected ways, often years later as toxins accumulate in your body and cause serious illnesses like cancer or diabetes.

It is only in the past several decades that the abundance of toxic chemical ingredients in food, have made the consequences of dietary indulgences so lethal. In order to boost profits, food purveyors use chemicals which have a similar effect to the tobacco industry's addition of nicotine to tobacco, making a substance at once more addictive and more deadly.

Mystery Ingredient #1

Take this quiz to help you to see how much you know about the real results of fast food snacking: What was concocted in a laboratory in 1908 and is present in nearly every non-dessert item on KFC's menu?

What "seasoning" did the US begin manufacturing subsequent to WWII after learning that rations for soldiers on the opposing side included this substance?

When the FDA "generally regarded as safe" (GRAS) standard for food additives was established in 1958, what substance was grandfathered in without any testing to verify its safety?

What food additive, so omnipresent in fast food restaurants that even salads often contain it, has been linked to obesity as well as depression, migraines, mental confusion, dizziness, anxiety or panic attacks, stiffness, joint pain, loss of balance, slurred speech, diarrhea, blurred vision and ADHD?

What chemical substance do food manufacturers love to use so much that they have developed a long list of aliases to hide its presence from consumers?

If you answeredMSGto all of the above questions, give yourself a gold star for knowledge of food chemicals.

Mystery Ingredient #2

What popular sweetener, present in most soft drinks and "sports drinks," is manufactured via a process which makes use of glutaraldehyde, an embalming chemical?

What sweet-tasting ingredient, found in such diverse products as McDonald's Baked Hot Apple Pies, children's vitamins and commercially prepared salad dressings is frequently contaminated with mercury because of the method by which is it prepared in factories?

What food additive delivers calories yet chemically fails to satisfy hunger, causing people to eat more than necessary? Because this substance does not stimulate insulin secretion or reduce the hunger hormone ghrelin, people continue to eat while the body converts what they consume into fat.

If you know the answer to the above 3 questions is high fructose corn syrup (HCFS), you are well-informed. This is a challenging accomplishment considering how much disinformation the food manufacturers, the government and the mainstream health establishment put out about HCFS being harmless. Beware, however, because the food industry has been mulling a name change for this ingredient, possibly calling it "corn sugar" or some new brand name so they can continue to take advantage of subsidized US corn.

Mystery Ingredient #3

Which of the following fast foods does NOT contain dimethylpolysiloxane, an anti-foaming agent also used in caulks and sealants and Silly Putty:

a) McDonald's Chicken McNuggets
b) McDonald's Fish Filet Patty
c) Wendy's Natural Cut Fries
d) KFC BBQ Baked Beans
e) KFC Biscuit
f) None of the above

The correct answer is "f" none of the above. (Chances are if your child swallowed some caulk, you would rush to the emergency room. Perhaps people should start doing the same if their children consume fast food.)


Learn more:

Monday, March 19, 2012

Natural Alternatives to the Top 5 Most Prescribed Drugs

Top Drug Alternatives 
Are we an over-medicated nation? Let’s look at the numbers: Americans spent more than $300 billion on prescription drugs last year; nearly half of all adults have taken at least one prescription drug in the last month; nearly a third regularly use two or more; and women are more likely than men to use prescription drugs, according to the CDC.
Drugs can undoubtedly save lives, but our penchant for prescriptions can sometimes mean treating or masking symptoms—without fixing the root cause of the health issue.
“There are natural therapies available that are much safer, often more effective, and cost much less,” says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, author of the book Real Cause, Real Cure (Rodale, 2011). "Of course, you should never start, change, or stop taking medications without first talking to your doctor.”
Check out the top 10 most prescribed drugs in the United States, then read on for our experts’ suggestions on the best natural alternatives to treat—and prevent—illness.
Key Statistics: Doctors wrote more than 131 million prescriptions for pain meds last year, for everything from dental surgeries to sports injuries.
#1 Most Prescribed Drug:Hydrocodone/acetaminophen, such as Vicodin, for pain meds
Natural Remedy: Try Some Hands-On Help. Pain can be debilitating, sure, but pain meds can be addictive—and ingredients such as acetaminophen may also damage your liver in the long term. Rather than relying on a pill that masks your aches, try to tackle the trigger by seeing a professional with a healing touch. “Drugs will never be the answer to solving pain because pills treat only the symptoms and not the underlying cause,” says Sungwon D. Yoo, D.C., M.S.A.O.M., L.Ac, a chiropractor and acupuncturist who uses Traditional Chinese Medicine in his private practice, Healing Point, in Fayetteville, NY. “Pain can be caused by an interference in our body’s nervous system, so manipulating the body’s main nervous system channel to the brain—the spine—can help remedy aches.”
Science supports the claims: People with lower back pain who received just four chiropractic treatment sessions in two weeks showed greater improvement in disability and pain compared to those receiving usual care, according to the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
#2 Most Prescribed Drug: Statins, such as simvastatin (Zocor) or atorvastatin (Lipitor)  
Key Statistics: Statins prevent your liver from making cholesterol by blocking a necessary enzyme. Pharmacies dole out more than 45 million prescriptions a year for Lipitor alone.
Natural Remedy: Change Your Diet. Certain foods—such as oats, garlic, olive oil, and red wine—can help reduce inflammation in your body and have been proven to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol or raise “good” HDL cholesterol naturally. The secret to garlic’s heart-protecting powers is an amino acid called allicin, which is released when garlic is crushed. Allicin protects the heart by keeping cholesterol from sticking to artery walls. And studies show that red wine may raise HDL, or “good” cholesterol, and thin blood to keep artery-blocking clots from forming. In fact, moderate drinking may slash your risk of heart disease by up to 40 percent, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.
Here is another tasty heart-smart move: Eating a small square of dark chocolate three to four times a week may be 25 times as effective as taking statins for preventing heart disease, says Dr. Teitelbaum.
#3 Most Prescribed Drug: Lisinopril (Zestril) or amlodipine besylate (Norvasc) to treat high blood pressure 
Key Statistics: The number of blood pressure prescriptions filled every year tops 144 million.
Natural Remedy: Up Your Intake of These Supplements. Prescription meds can play an important role in lowering blood pressure, but with the help of your doctor and the right supplements, you may be able to cut back—or eventually stop taking—prescription drugs“In my experience, the best approach is to use medications to bring your blood pressure under control initially, and then add natural therapies that can help you wean off your prescription,” says Dr. Teitelbaum.
Increasing your potassium (500 mg a day—present in a banana or a cup of tomato juice or coconut water) and magnesium (200 mg a day) are especially effective at lowering blood pressure in most people. If you have especially high blood pressure, talk to your doctor about also taking 200 milligrams a day of Coenzyme Q10, an antioxidant that might help lower BP by dilating blood vessels. “Coenzyme Q10 deficiency is especially common in people taking cholesterol-lowering medications, and I have seen it lower blood pressure as much as 30 to 40 points in some severe cases,” says Dr. Teitelbaum. He suggests using the Enzymatic Therapy or Integrative Therapeutics brands for the highest quality and most effectiveness.
#4 Most Prescribed Drug: Levothyroxine sodium (Synthroid) for hypothyroidism 
Key Statistics: Hypothyroidism is most common in women over age 50. In fact, as much as 10% of women over 50 will have at least mild hypothyroidism. More than 70 million prescriptions are given for Synthroid annually.
Natural Remedy: Check for Mineral Deficiencies. Low thyroid problems might happen because the thyroid is being attacked by your own immune system, but it can also occurs from mineral deficiencies such as iodine, iron, or selenium. Talk to your doctor about whether taking mineral supplements before going on meds might be for you, or whether natural thyroid glandular supplements, such as BMR Complex by Integrative Therapeutics, might be helpful.
“The thyroid glandular [supplement] supplies the raw materials needed to optimize thyroid function, so taking one or two capsules three times daily between meals could start the process of kicking your thyroid back into gear within a month,” says Dr. Teitelbaum. Remember, never start or stop taking a medication without consulting your doctor: If you’re at risk for heart disease, taking thyroid supplements could trigger heart palpitations or even a heart attack or angina, just as strenuous exercise could.
#5 Most Prescribed Drug: Omeprazole (Prilosec) for acid reflux 
Key Statistics: The number of prescriptions written for Prilosec surged by 8 million in 2010, for a total of 53.4 million prescriptions dispensed.
Natural Remedy: Try Herbal Relief First. “When people take Prilosec, it blocks the protective hydrochloric acid (HCL) in their stomach, which can lead to bacterial overgrowth in the small intestines and ultimately to mineral deficiencies by hindering their absorption,” says Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN, author of Digestive Wellness. “It’s okay to take Prilosec in the short term, but you should try to find the underlying factors causing your indigestion or reflux rather than just covering them up with drugs.”
Dr. Lipski recommends trying an herbal fix, such as slippery-elm lozenges from your local health food store, to see if it eases symptoms before going on meds. Slippery elm coats the throat and stomach; has antioxidants that help relieve inflammation in your intestines; and boosts mucus production to help protect your gastrointestinal tract from excess acid. “Simple lifestyle changes, such as pinpointing food sensitivities so you can steer clear of your trigger foods, eating slowly, and managing stress will make the biggest difference in the long run,” she says.